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Сообщения за август, 2016

Где найти ресурсы для развития

Как обезопасить свою карьеру во время кризиса! Сеть международных экспертов "Союзконсалт" The network of international txperts Souzconsalt - международный проектный офис для вашего бизнеса (экспорт, импорт, локализация, трансфер технологий). Экспертная сеть - инфраструктура развития человеческого капитала ( матричные команды, лоббирование интересов заказчика). Проектная команда более 250 экспертов, собственников бизнеса по всему миру. Эксперты обладающие знаниями в своем кластере (отрасли), регионе, располагающие связями, способные аккумулировать и обмениваться своими ресурсами, и выполнить согласованный, комплексный проект, решать задачи любой сложности. В основе развития международной экспертной сети лежит научная концепция Эгомаркетинг Кредитование юрлиц МСП: Без залога и поручителей Кредитование для юридических лиц (малого и среднего бизнеса) без залога и поручителей предлагает Souzconsalt Corporate Finance. Мы не являемся кредитной организацией, мы сопровожда


  ЭГОМАРКЕТИНГ- УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ЛИЧНЫМИ РЕСУРСАМИ ЭГОМАРКЕТИНГ: УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ЛИЧНЫМИ РЕСУРСАМИ, КОММУНИКАЦИИ. Как использовать таланты, данные от природы, для коммерциализации личности. Как реализовать свои мечты, а не прожить жизнь, участвуя в чужих планах. 1.Что такое УСПЕХ ? 2.Что такое ЭГОМАРКЕТИНГ, и как это поможет в реализации планов 3.Роль лидера, роль личности в формировании проектной команды, источники мотивации. 4.Как не попасть в капканы краутсорсинга (мнения толпы), а используя инструменты эгомаркетинга находить зеркальных, ресурсных партнеров. 5.Эгоменеджмент, как управлять людьми, управляя только собой (технология лидерства нового поколения. Liberty, Usability, Flexibility.) 6.CRM usability — как выстроить полезные отношения с партнерами и клиентами. 7.Как построить глобальный бизнес, на личностных экспертных компетенциях. (практика NIE Souzconsalt) 8.Эгоаудит, как навести порядок в своей жизни, вспомнить свои мечты, и убить энергетических вампиров пожираю

PRACTICE OF BELIEF: Oratory for entrepreneurs

PRACTICE OF BELIEF:  Oratory for entrepreneurs IEEAcademy is the topic for business owners who are interested in business development and staff development: "Practice of persuasion: Oratory for the entrepreneur." The workshop was commissioned by the SBD Small Business of Moscow in 2015. The seminar program: History or statistics - goals and motivation of your performances His Majesty the audience - the first contact Skills compiling presentations for investors, partners and customers Charisma, how to motivate, how to lead Analysis of business performances (presentation of projects) Upon completion of individual counseling entrepreneurial projects * Author: Palade Oleg Chairman of the Board of the Network of international experts "Soyuzkonsalt", Chairman Network of international experts "Soyuzkonsalt", by the economic concept of "Egomarketing - a new economy based on eco-friendly use of human resources." Founder of analytical pu


CHAIRMAN OF THE MANAGEMENT NETWORK INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS "SOYUZKONSALT" TAKE PART IN THE FIRST FORUM R2R Oleg Paladev - Chairman of the Network of international experts "Soyuzkonsalt», Director Souzconsalt Transfer Technology, Committee Expert on the promotion of foreign trade activities of the RF CCI and the Working Group on the WTO at the Russian Economic Development Ministry - will act as a moderator at the First Forum "Small business of the SCO member states regions and BRICS »(R2R), which will be held 21-23 October 2015 in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa. Oleg Palade will moderate the discussion panel "Industry, mining and processing of raw materials - a strategic partnership of large and small businesses." Job Discussion panels will discuss issues of expanding cooperation between large and small businesses from different countries in the subcontracting and outsourcing principles as a tool for rapid implementation of innovations. "Inte


OLEG Paladiev: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR POLISH COMPANIES IN RUSSIA In this article, we will consider opportunities for the entry of foreign companies on the Russian market and the EAEC. The material is presented in part, within the framework of performance of the Board Chairman of the Network of international experts "Soyuzkonsalt" O.N.Paladeva in the Polish-German Chamber of Commerce g.Bydgosch 28-10 September 2015. Thus, the interest of foreign companies to the development of business is associated with the new opportunities of a growing market of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC), and risks that limit international cooperation, investigation sanctions policy impact on business. This once again underlines the lobbying component in the promotion of economy and business. Nevertheless, many countries, including Russia are interested in creating conditions for attracting foreign businesses in the form of investment, technology transfer, localization, creation of join


O.N.PALADEV: COOPERATION, COMPETENCE AND INTERESTS. Alain Paladeva | April 14, 2016 We have already released material NIEJournal: «? Who are you Mr. Paladiev" Still, our partners are not always correct, and develops a full understanding of the capabilities and competencies of the Board Chairman of the International Network of Experts "Souzconsalt" O.N.Paladeva. So, who are you Mr. Paladiev? First of all, an international expert, confirm this statement, completed projects, awards received both in Russia and abroad. Recognition of colleagues around the world, expert status Business Council of the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation, international associations and expertise to ministries and departments. O.N.Paladev - egomarketolog, author of the economic concept: NEW EGOMARKETING economy based on eco-friendly use of human resources. Author of books, research and educational programs. The creator of a network of international experts "Souzco