К основному контенту



Oleg Paladev - Chairman of the Network of international experts "Soyuzkonsalt», Director Souzconsalt Transfer Technology, Committee Expert on the promotion of foreign trade activities of the RF CCI and the Working Group on the WTO at the Russian Economic Development Ministry - will act as a moderator at the First Forum "Small business of the SCO member states regions and BRICS »(R2R), which will be held 21-23 October 2015 in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa.

Oleg Palade will moderate the discussion panel "Industry, mining and processing of raw materials - a strategic partnership of large and small businesses." Job Discussion panels will discuss issues of expanding cooperation between large and small businesses from different countries in the subcontracting and outsourcing principles as a tool for rapid implementation of innovations.

"Interaction between large and small businesses in the development of Russia's economy has a high value for industrial development, - says Oleg Palade. - Small and medium-sized businesses - is the high technology business, flexible to operate, and easily adapts to changes in the market. As a result of outsourcing, the transfer of large business processes that require upgrading in the hands of small business is a win-win mechanism. "

Also to participate in the discussion panel "Industry, mining and processing of raw materials - a strategic partnership of large and small businesses," invited Goncharenko Ivan Maksimovic, First Deputy General Director of "Rosoboronexport", Karpuhin Alexei Ivanovich, Minister of Industry and Innovation Bashkortostan policy Guoqing Peng, General Director of "Roskitinvest" "Russian-Chinese investment company on the development of trade and industrial cooperation in the Tomsk region" Jose Rubens de la Rosa, the President of the Brazilian portion of the DS BRICS, Director General of Marcopolo SA, Ibragimova Lyazzat Erkenovna, Chairman of the Board of the development Fund for entrepreneurship " Damu "Kamilov Firdaus Sharifdzhonovich, CCI of Sughd Chuantan Yang, Minister of transport of the People's Republic of China).


The first Forum "Small business regions of countries participating in the SCO and BRICS» (R2R) will be held 21-23 October 2015 in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa. It will be the first active integration platform of economic cooperation between business entities, business and regional authorities of the member countries of the SCO and BRICS.

The event takes place in the framework of Russia's chairmanship in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in 2014-2015, and the union of the BRICS in 2015 and included in the plan of Russia's chairmanship in the SCO activities in 2014-2015, approved by the Russian Federation President VV Putin

International Network of Experts "Soyuzkonsalt" is an innovative project "Soyuzkonsat" LLC, established in the framework of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Foreign Economic Activity" (Order of the Russian Federation from April 15, 2014 № 330). "Soyuzkonsalt" implements projects with the support of embassies, chambers of commerce or trade departments departments. With the Russian regions we interact with the support of the RF CCI, MINEK, national structures, regional centers for export and business support. Geographic specialization - the European Union, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Association of South-East Asia, Brazil, India, China and South Africa.


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