К основному контенту



In this article, we will consider opportunities for the entry of foreign companies on the Russian market and the EAEC. The material is presented in part, within the framework of performance of the Board Chairman of the Network of international experts "Soyuzkonsalt" O.N.Paladeva in the Polish-German Chamber of Commerce g.Bydgosch 28-10 September 2015.

Thus, the interest of foreign companies to the development of business is associated with the new opportunities of a growing market of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC), and risks that limit international cooperation, investigation sanctions policy impact on business. This once again underlines the lobbying component in the promotion of economy and business. Nevertheless, many countries, including Russia are interested in creating conditions for attracting foreign businesses in the form of investment, technology transfer, localization, creation of joint ventures.

Если у Вас есть конкретный вопрос по данной теме, просто напишите эксперту  WhatsApp +79169906144 – Бесплатно


Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) - an investment fund set up to attract foreign investment in a leading company the fastest growing sectors of the Russian economy. Reserved capital fund - 10 billion dollars.

All transactions RDIF advocates a co-investor together with the world's largest institutional investors - private equity funds, sovereign funds, as well as industry-leading companies.

Russian Direct Investment Fund has invested and approved for this purpose more than 720 billion rubles, including 65 billion rubles - means RDIF and over 655 billion rubles - means of co-investors, partners and banks.

Russian Direct Investment Fund has also attracted more than $ 25 billion of foreign capital in the Russian economy, having built a number of long-term strategic partnerships.

The fund was established in June 2011 at the initiative of the President and Prime Minister of Russia.

What can you add? Of course it is for the major players, particularly with a focus state. Looks RDIF directed to the Middle East and the Asia-Tihookeanskiyy region.


SEZ - a large-scale project aimed at regional development through the attraction of direct Russian and foreign investments in high-tech sectors of the economy, import substitution industries, shipbuilding and tourism.

Special economic zones are established for 49 years.

Every special economic zone of the State gives special legal status, which gives investors the SEZ series of tax incentives and customs preferences, as well as ensure access to the engineering, transport and business infrastructure. Costs Investors in projects in the SEZ on average 30% lower than the nationwide figures.

 procedure "free customs zone" operates in the industrial, port and technical innovation SEZ. This means that foreign goods are placed and used within the SEZ without payment of customs duties and value added tax. A Russian goods are placed and used on the terms applicable to export in accordance with the customs regime of export to the payment of excise and without payment of export customs duties.


Industrial parks of Russia Industrial Park - a specially organized to accommodate the new production area, energy sources, infrastructure, the necessary administrative and legal conditions and managed by a specialized company.
Industrial parks, tend to attract as residents of high-tech industries and are one of the innovative elements of the infrastructure that provides social and economic development of the region. The qualitative difference between the industrial park from the usual industrial zone - a single concept development of the territory, providing for the creation of a pool of tenants - people are cooperating with each other, common to all the residents of the automated control system of public services and security and access systems.


Register Company (organization, company, firm, enterprise), a limited liability company - is a legal entity where the parties are responsible in the framework of the authorized capital. The authorized capital is divided into shares if more than one founder. Ltd. We have to be a charter, the charter capital of not less than 10,000 rubles and the title.


Creation of joint ventures. In the development of foreign trade activities play a significant role enterprises established with participation of foreign capital. Some of them function as a joint (the joint venture), in which foreign and domestic investments are joined together, the other part - as foreign companies (foreign capital is 100%).

The joint venture (JV) is regarded as an independent in organizational, financial and legal sense a business entity formed in the form of contributions to capital independent of each other partners, residents of different countries, jointly owning them and enjoy the results of his activities.

Certainly the creation of the joint venture is associated not only with an investment in our business, we often practice the creation of joint ventures for technology transfer and the development of international cooperation in the form of industrial outsourcing.

If you have any questions, give birth to discharge from the projects, we are always open to cooperation.


Paladiev Oleg / Palade Oleg
Chairman of the Board NIE Souzconsalt
Director. Souzconsalt Transfer Technology
Phone: +7 4997695225
Mobile phone +7 9169906144


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