К основному контенту



Alain Paladeva | April 14, 2016

We have already released material NIEJournal: «? Who are you Mr. Paladiev" Still, our partners are not always correct, and develops a full understanding of the capabilities and competencies of the Board Chairman of the International Network of Experts "Souzconsalt" O.N.Paladeva.

So, who are you Mr. Paladiev?

First of all, an international expert, confirm this statement, completed projects, awards received both in Russia and abroad. Recognition of colleagues around the world, expert status Business Council of the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation, international associations and expertise to ministries and departments.
O.N.Paladev - egomarketolog, author of the economic concept: NEW EGOMARKETING economy based on eco-friendly use of human resources. Author of books, research and educational programs. The creator of a network of international experts "Souzconsalt" - the international community is completely built on the principles and EGOMARKETINGA theory.

O.N.Paladev - a successful entrepreneur and creator of the businesses, talent support infrastructure:
International Network of Experts "Souzconsalt" - the international community bringing together more than 250 experts, business owners around the world. The international expert community comprising 14 clusters of researching and commercializing innovative trends in the economy.

NIE Journal - information publication, a team of professionals able to implement support measures at any level. NIE Journal is included in the pool of federal mass media of the RF CCI. Evidence from Roskomnadzor El№FS77-56670 26/12/13

IEEAcademy - international expert egovirtualnaya Academy operates under the federal law on education in the Russian Federation N 273-FZ of December 29, 2012. And designed to develop and commercialize the expert competence in the short format of focused educational programs.

CIP Souzinvest (Community investing in people Souzinvest) - Community investing in talented people and their ideas. This project is the commercialization of creative potential in the high-yield markets

WTH Souztrade - an international trading house Soyuztreyd, exports and imports of goods and services, international cooperation, technology transfer.

Network Theatre entrepreneur - the first in Russia and abroad, the project aimed at learning through the expression of the inner potential of the individual, the correction of the genetic code (egomarketing). Joint project with Gopiusom KP

Sphere of interests and competencies O.N.Paladieva

1. Egomarketing
The whole world is fascinated by the trend of economic growth at the expense of the proper use of human resources. The man regarded as the bearer of innovation and knowledge, egomarketing as the commercialization of an instrument (made in Russia) for the relevant use. Egomarketolog - demanded profession of the new economy, allowing the market to determine the identity, to invest in person and get good dividends. Egomenedzhment - egomarketinga tool, today we manage many processes of the cosmos, so egomenedzhment - current identity management processes from another dimension (in terms of well-being)
2. International cooperation, foreign trade, business internationalization
NIE Souzconsalt developed and tested innovative tools output to foreign markets, the realized projects prove effective. NIE Souzconsalt - a form of trust (trust) for building business relationships and operational decision making. The internationalization of business allows you to create an effective international team to quickly react to market demands, allowing to create mobile business.
3. Knowledge - the engine of human progress, so a huge interest in people having a non-standard vision of working with the information flow.

For more information O.N.Paladev http://souzconsalt.com/paladiev
Director of International Projects
Paladeva Alena


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