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Paladev Oleg, approved by Chairman of the Board for 2016. Every year in May, the International Network of Experts "Soyuzkonsalt» (www.souzconsalt.com) approves the Chairman of the Board, the executive organ of the network and other responsible persons.

NIE Journal is part of the Network management approved a 1.06 .2016.
Chairman of the Board - Oleg Palalev
Chairman of the Network Management Board - Alain Paladeva
Director of International Projects Network - Alexander Sukharev
Director of Cluster Development Network - Poryadnev Kirill
Within the framework of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Foreign Economic Activity" (Order of the Russian Federation from April 15, 2014 № 330), a limited liability company "Soyuzkonsalt" carries out an innovative project to create a "Soyuzkonsalt" international expert community (The network of international experts Souzconsalt)

Strengthening the position of the expert community in the global economy, improving the quality parameters of foreign trade activities, increase the scope of foreign trade contribution to the objectives of the national economy modernization.

The network of international experts Souzconsalt - Alternativa-making, international network of experts working in innovation clusters, foreign trade in July 2008 (Solutions for International Cooperation)

The network brings together more than 250 experts, this is the first person companies and unique professionals with practical experience in the successful implementation of projects in their cluster.
The network of international experts Souzconsalt has the necessary infrastructure for the implementation of projects of any complexity:

NIE Journal - International Electronics, the expert-analytical publication
NIE Souzconsalt - an international network of consultants (consulting, project management)
IEEAcademy - international expert egovirtualnaya Academy
CIP Souzinvest - ties and experience to solve many, the backbone of any economy lobbying - we accept these rules of the game.

• Representatives of the "Soyuzkonsalt" abroad: Great Britain, Germany, Croatia, UAE, USA, Spain, Argentina, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Iran, China, etc .;
• Representatives of the "Soyuzkonsalt" in Russia: Moscow, Yaroslavl, Bashkiria, Tatarstan, Astrakhan, Omsk, Perm, etc .;
• Information and expert support of more than 100 international events per year;
• Analytical edition NIE Journal.
• «egovirtualnaya International Expert Academy" aims to develop and sell the expert competence in the short format of focused educational programs.

We are grateful for the good cooperation the Chairman of the Board of Directors 2015-2016 Mr. Alexander V. Shutov, who today successfully headed the department of investments and marketing Yaroslavl Chamber of Commerce.

The Board of Directors (Supervisory Board, hereinafter - the Board of Directors) - a collective body the strategic vision of the company's management, carrying out the general management of its activity.

Chief editor NIEJournal
Chairman NIE Souzconsalt
Paladeva Alena
+7 4997695225


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